I Love You Dad

Fathers are amazing people. Amazing people who often go unnoticed, until they are no longer there. Whether they are referred to as Dad, Pop, Daddy, Papa, or some other loving title matters not; fathers hold a powerful position within the family.

Fathers are the head of the family, the priest of the home. They are responsible to be like Jesus and lay their life down for their wives. The majority of fathers, even those who don't know Christ, do this very thing day in and day out.

Day after day fathers spend their lives working for the good of their families. They pour out their time, their money, their very selves so that those under their care can go out and live lives of their own choosing. They usually receive very little thanks for the sacrifices made.

My own father did the same thing. He freely spent himself day after tiring day working crazy hours and put himself aside for the good of the family. For what? It certainly wasn't for my thanks for I failed to give him any. In my selfish child mind that was what dad's did.

Thankfully that selfish creature has grown up, a little at least. This should have come a long time ago. Thank you, Dad. Thank you for literally laying down your life so that I could live mine. Thank you for going to work somewhere you probably wouldn't have chosen, to do something you would most rather not have done, so that I could go wherever God led me, to do whatever He had me do.

Thank you. Thank you for sacrificing days and nights with the family and Sundays away from church. Not only did you give up so very much time, the time you did have outside of work you spent doing all of the chores that a father does around the house and yard. Your life was a seemingly never-ending cycle of work and sleep and sleep and work.

Now, now I know. I know how much you gave. I know that it was an amazing sacrifice. A sacrifice not unlike the one Christ paid for me. All of those years while I was growing up in my own selfish world, you were living the life of Christ before my very eyes, within my home. You daily gave up yourself that I could live. You died to your own desires that I could live mine. All without any thanks.

Thank you, Dad. Thank you so very, very much. The older I grow, the more clearly I see all of the many ways you said I Love You to me. Thank you. I Love you. I appreciate you, all you have done, and all you continue to do. You are a great dad, and I'm glad you are mine! Happy Father's Day! I am also sorry, terribly sorry it has taken me this long to tell you. I Love You, Dad XOXO

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