Free Curriculum for Homeschool!!!

School's beginning is rapidly approaching. For some, it has already begun. Knowing that homeschooling is not for every family, thank you for being patient with us when we share information specifically for those who do.

Sometimes the desire to homeschool is larger than a family's budget. If that is you or someone you know, take heart. Thanks to the internet and the abundance of resources it provides, a solid education can be obtained for your children without spending any money. 

Here are a few of the websites that make this possible. There are other free curriculum and resources available online. These are merely a sample to whet one's learning appetite. 
  • Ambleside Online
  • Easy Peasy Homeschool
  • Under the Home
  • Old-Fashioned Education
  • Free Classical Curriculum (This is a newcomer to the list. One that has not been thoroughly checked out or used by Abundance House. It is a literature strong, classical curriculum that says it is available free of charge, if you consider a free list of resources to purchase free.)
Each of these curriculum may require paper and pen or pencil, but even the use of these materials can be minimized in a variety of ways without diminishing the quality of education. 

Please don't allow the absence of money to prevent you from experiencing the priceless gift of learning at home if this is where your heart lies. There is always a way to walk out out the call of our heart, even if it ends up looking differently than we thought it would. 

More information on home education that requires less financial investment can be found on the following pages:

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