When Life Gets Busy

Fast forward from 2009 when this article was written to 2019. Life still gets busy, and I still need to have the Word of God hidden in my heart BEFORE the storms come. Remembering God's faithfulness and truth. 

This past week has reinforced that we cannot wait until tragedy or crazy times come to stock up on the Word of God. The Word must be hidden in our heart long before the storms come. Otherwise, when the crazy busyness of life comes, we will be caught off guard and blown off course. That is not where we want to be.

I have a testimony to share of God's loving faithfulness. Earlier in the week we had freezing rain. Our kittens were scattered in the night and got all wet. In the morning, one of them had passed on and two others were very close to joining her. We brought them inside, rubbed them with a towel, warmed them by the fire, and prayed over them. It was several hours later, but the two kittens pulled through. They have now been appropriately dubbed "Miracle" and "Survivor". God heard the prayers of His children. Even though the prayers were only for two little kittens He heard and answered. What a faith booster for my children. They experienced firsthand the loving care of their Heavenly Father in their lives. It's a lesson they won't soon forget.

Now, fast forward a few days to today. Those same kittens for whom we so earnestly prayed, are running around our feet, sneaking in any open door, and in general, being nuisances. They are sweet, cute, adorable nuisances, yet nuisances just the same. How could this be? How is it that a few short days ago we were praying and fighting for their survival and now, we are wondering what to do with them? It made me wonder if I ever do that with other things. How many times do I petition God for something, receive an answer, and then wonder what to do with the answer I asked for? Why aren't I prepared to receive? Is it perhaps because deep down inside I don't really expect God to answer? Oooh, that's painful to ponder. However, if I'm really truly going to grow and mature into the woman God created me to become, then ponder I must. Not only ponder, but change. I once heard it said that when we want to trust God more we need to remember that we can't trust someone we don't know. If I don't expect my loving Heavenly Father to answer my prayers, then a deeper trust must be developed. This level of trust will only come about by getting to know Him. I can only get to know Him by spending time with Him. Spending time with Him brings me back around to the original truth of grounding our hearts in the Word of God BEFORE trying and/or busy situations come around.

As we enter the weekend, may we focus on keeping our focus on God and His Word. May we make a conscious effort to make time to get to known our Heavenly Father better. As we do this, our trust will be deepened and strengthened so that we can stand firmly on The Rock, Jesus Christ NO MATTER WHAT COMES OUR WAY. Have a blessed weekend and remember to Thank the Lord of your Harvest. In Christ, Blessed Mama

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