From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Yes, we know we're in a storm...probably the fiercest storm we've seen yet in our generation.
However, God is getting us ready for His coming outpouring, including the billion soul harvest that has been prophesied over and over again through His prophetic voices.
At the beginning of the year, 2020 prophetic words were full of promises...and let me remind you that they still are!
I want you to read this awesome word from Jennifer Miskov and learn how you can position yourself for the greatest outpouring at hand. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

Jennifer A. Miskov, Redding, CA
I don't know about you, but at the start of the year I remember hearing so many significant prophetic words for what God wants to do in 2020. I even prophesied that 2020 would be a year of "Unprecedented Outpouring" of the Holy Spirit. However, as we have stepped into the first few months of this new decade, instead of the fulfillment of those words we have been faced with another unprecedented move, an invisible enemy that's sought to kill, steal, destroy, and isolate this generation.
I have a confession to make. Even in the midst of this world crisis we find ourselves in, which feels completely opposite of the prophetic words released, I still believe God's heart for 2020 remains the same. I believe that what was prophesied over 2020 will still come to pass. His words and purposes over this year remain the same, even in the midst of this horrific resistance we are facing today.
What Lies on the Other Side of the Storm?
Our now feels like an arrow being pulled back in the opposite direction of where it's destined to fly, or like a tide that's being pulled back before a huge tsunami wave of revival is about to be poured out. Everything is being stripped away. I believe that the tide will turn and that what the enemy meant for evil, God will take to the other extreme and turn it around for our good as we partner in prayer, hope, and faith in action.
In this time of reset and reformation, I believe that something powerful is being shaped within us as we continue to worship Jesus, even in the midst of this unprecedented world crisis and economic instability. Our hope is in JESUS. He never changes even when our circumstances do. Our new normal on the other side of this pandemic must not remain the same as it was before. We will be formed into strong men and women of resilience and hope.
I don't want to minimize the extreme cost or devastation that's upon us, because I feel that the sickness, death, widespread fear, record-breaking unemployment, and isolation breaks the heart of God. However, I believe that on the other side of this storm is a mass harvest of souls and a reformation of the Church. I believe there is a restoration of family and a new renaissance of creativity that will be birthed in this time. I believe that leaders will arise from the dust of obscure and despised circumstances to bring solutions, radical love, and profound transformation.
Since the beginning of time, God purposed that we would be alive for such a time as this. As Christians in the midst of this dark season, I believe it's our time to arise and shine (Isaiah 60). He has entrusted us to carry hope to the hopeless, peace to the fear stricken, and healing to the brokenhearted.
I believe that those prophetic words that were released in the beginning of the year are just as true today as they were before we entered into this season of world shutdown and pandemic. The enemy doesn't want any of those prophetic words to come to pass because he knows that it's "Go Time" for the Church in a massive way. He knows that shutting down the entire world makes the most sense to try and sideline the great awakening upon us.
Attempting to disconnect the Body of Christ and bring a spirit of fear and death over this generation is not going to work. We will arise and go in the opposite spirit. On the other side of this moment in history and attack against our generation is a people of hope arising to see God's Kingdom come. I believe we are being prepared to see the Holy Spirit poured out like never before and are being positioned to steward a billion soul harvest that's already begun. (Photo via Unsplash)
I still believe God's words over 2020 ring true today, and that He is positioning us for a massive, great awakening. In the midst of this coronavirus and world shut down, I want to remind you of God's heart over this year and share with you a word I released on January 1, 2020 entitled: "2020 A Year of Alignment, Synergy, and Unprecedented Outpouring of the Holy Spirit."
2020: A Year of Alignment, Synergy and Unprecedented Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
While I saw 2018 as the Year of Family and 2019 as the Year of Focus, I see 2020 as the Year of Alignment, Synergy and Unprecedented Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, building upon the previous years' themes. Last year was a time of uprooting, relocating, and then replanting. It was a year of God moving people around, as if on a chessboard, getting them into perfect position for His next great move.
2020 is "Go Time." It's the due date. It's checkmate. It's a time of alignment, synergy and convergence. God has repositioned His people to be in perfect alignment for what He's about to pour out next – His Spirit in unprecedented measures.
Alignment means "Arrangement in a straight line or in correct relative positions," or "a position of agreement or alliance." Synergy means "The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects." Unprecedented means "Never done or known before," and Outpouring means "Something that streams out rapidly."
We've seen God do so many incredible things throughout history. I believe, pray, and declare that 2020 will be a time of... (continue reading)