The Blessed Sweetness of Ordinary
As restful as the sweetness of ordinary has been, the gift dearest to me is the gift of conversations with family and friends. Extra time at home is providing opportunity for more phone visits with family and friends. These visits are like receiving unexpected gifts.
Frequent telephone visits with my mom is something time has not allowed for a long time. I have enjoyed the extra time spent with my mom so very very much; these conversations with my dear, dear lifelong friend have been delicious food for my soul.
Another precious gift to hold close and savor has been the emails, messages, and phone calls from my daughter and new granddaughter. Seeing their faces and hearing their voices has brought so much joy. Is there anything that can compare to hearing those sweet little baby noises, even over the phone? Being able to share their first days of getting to know each other in this way has been a true delight.
Unplanned Sabbath has given me yet another gift to be thankful for. Another dear, extremely busy, friend was able to call and talk on my birthday. My friend and I rarely get to have a good old-fashioned sit down type visit even over the phone so this was a complete surprise, a very welcome surprise.
It was so much fun being able to talk without having to stuff as much as we can in as fast as we can in little snippets of time while rushing through our lives. I am thankful for every opportunity to talk with my friend, no matter how tiny and rushed, but being able to have a real visit was an extra special blessing - and on my birthday too.
Emails from other family and friends have also dotted the days with sunshine. The gift of time with loved ones near and far is truly a gift to treasure, one I pray I never take for granted. As people leave isolation and begin the process of reentry I am so thankful for family and friends to travel the blessed days of sweet ordinary with. They are beautiful gifts of Sabbath.