My Favorite
Growing up, whenever the question was asked "If you were on a stranded island and could only have one item what would you choose?" I would answer "The Bible" because that seemed the "correct" response for a Christian girl to give. Now, as an adult, I give the same answer; not because it is "correct" but because the Bible is truly what I honestly would want above all other things.
Of all the many books I have read throughout my life only one has been by my side the entire time. The Bible is the only one that has been read over and over and over without becoming irrelevant or stale. Its words are always fresh. Newly discovered wisdom and truth eagerly wait to be searched for and found within its pages. When no other source of truth and instruction can be found, the Bible never fails to provide an answer. I have been a reader for almost 45 years, and the Bible always has been, and still is, my favorite book.
Throughout my 29 years of marriage and 28 years of parenting I have read numerous truly good books that were both wise and timely for the season of life I was in at the time. With the passing years, however, some of those books have not stood the test of time, so to speak. Simply put, they are no longer relevant to where I am as a wife and mother. I don't want to say they are not good books for they are. It is simply that they were for a specific time during a specific season of life, and that season, for me, has passed. There is one though that travels the path of life right alongside me offering even more comforting words of wisdom, grace, and cheerful encouragement than it did the first time it was read. The Bible.
As I grow and mature I see and understand more of what I read in it. I find more answers every time I read it. The Bible is a living book containing treasures for me to search for and discover. It is a book with depths to be mined. Why I felt led to share this today I don't know, but I did. Please know you are seen, known, and loved by God. He has given us His Word, the Bible, and His Word is living, active, and will always be. The Bible, it's more than a book.
*There are many different translations and versions of the Bible. I read and study from several different ones and enjoy them all. Choosing a translation is a matter of personal choice. A number of differing opinions exist as to the "right" translation and some people believe very strongly there is only one "correct" version to use. I have not personally felt any guilt or conviction about using more than one version/translation. Please do not allow any person to place the burden of guilt on you. All are free to pray about this and allow God to instruct and lead to the translation of His choosing. He knows what is best for each of us and what we need at this exact time. He will provide the wisdom and insight needed.