
"Freely you have received, freely give"

"To whom much has been given much is required"

"If you do not forgive others God will not forgive you"

"He remembers our sins no more"

"Be imitators of God"

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

A hurtful thing happened. It was another wound in a long line of hurtful actions and words spanning a long season of time. Baffled as to what to do, I went to the Lord seeking His wisdom. I knew I didn't want my raw emotions to make an already painful moment even worse. As I asked questions, God answered my heartfelt inquiries with the scripture portions shared above.

He is a kind and loving teacher who knows and understands, and I am His extravagantly loved, exceedingly grateful child. How can I not forgive when He has forgiven me? What could any person ever do that would be worth following a human way over His heavenly way? Why would I want to imitate anyone other than the One who loves me perfectly?

As I wondered over God's abundant mercy and grace He has freely lavished on me throughout my life, the hurt and pain were lost in the overwhelming flood of His goodness and grace. My desire to live for Him and walk in His way became stronger than the desire to run away from future pain. Truly, "Greater is He who is in me than He who is in the world."

Many are the wounds and raw emotions in our nation today. Many people are hurting and confused. I pray God's abundant love washes the pain away in a flood of grace and mercy as we seek His face. God truly is greater. May we choose to remember His goodness always and always His goodness.

In Christ's name,

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