Learning for Health
New revelation and truth concerning health is coming faster than a person can keep up with! With that being said, I'm going to jot down some names and allow everyone to dive deeper for themselves. Serious healing information is available. Enjoy learning how to move closer towards true health.
- Dr. Bryan Ardis
- Dr. Henry Ealy
- Dr. Jana Schmidt
- Dr. Peter McCullough
- Dr. Daniel Nuzum
And many, many, many more!!! One leads to another, which leads to another, and you get the idea. As always, use your own discretion when presented with new information. I am not recommending anyone, other than Dr. Ardis. I am simply saying I have enjoyed hearing truth in regards to health and wellness. Being healthy is possible with commitment and willingness to look "outside the traditional box". God is a healing God. He has designed our bodies to heal themselves in the right conditions and circumstances. Learning how to strengthen my body for His glory is truly an encouraging joy.
Love in Christ!