The Answers are Coming!!!

One of my most memorable Christmases was when I was 7 1/2 and mother had just died and I think the whole town had sent gifts to our home. The metal dollhouse, the little metal sewing machine, the blue willow play dishes and a special doll with several homemade outfits were treasures and brought a heartbroken little girl much comfort. Now I treasure every Christmas with all of our sons, daughters-in-love and all of our perfect grandchildren. Grammie

My favorite gift as a child was our puppy Cuddles. As an adult, it would be my Great Grandmother's hair comb. Blessed Mama

The answers have begun to come in! Thank you! Keep sending them in. Hopefully others will continue to join in on the fun. If you are just now reading the questions, then go ahead and jump in today. The project for today that was sent out yesterday was to decorate your front door and/or gate. I have mine started. Please send in a pic when you complete today's project. That way we can all come for a virtual "visit".

Remember..."Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, Rejoice"

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