Oh Be Careful Little Lips What You Say
Motherhood contains many joys and unexpected blessings. It also provides more revelations of my true self than any thing else could. A poem I read earlier shares one such "revelation" almost every mother experiences. The author is unknown, but it could have been me. Here is...
"I don't want to hear another word!" I hear my daughter scold.
"Dear Me!" I think, "She's awfully strict for a playful three year old."
She rolls her eyes heavenward and sighs with great disdain
"What am I going to do with you?" Her dolls hear her complain.
"Sit down! Be still! Hold out your hands! Do you have to walk so slow?
Pick up your toys! Go brush your teeth! Eat all your carrots! Blow!"
I start to tell her how gentle a mother ought to be
When blushingly, I realize she's imitating ME!
(Author Unknown)