I started this little, old blog
I'm really not sure why
It seems I had some things to say
How? I didn't know, I could only try
There was a time I tried to say
Those things that bloggers say
I tried some games, some things for fun
Very few wanted to play
Aha! I thought as I read some more
That's what I need to do
But that too didn't seem to work
What should I do today?
I almost quit. I really did.
This blog I almost stopped.
Then decided to pray, see what God had to say
Should I stop? No, He said, start
Start? I have not quit
The posts they come along
But did you write the things I led
Or did you go along
With other styles and other ways
That others were led to say
When did I tell you to leave the path
Why from my voice did you stray
Oh dear, I did, I now confess
I tried it on my own
This blog was started for You dear Lord
For You, and You alone
So here I sit a typing fast
I'm listening to His voice
It's Him I want to speak from here
He is the only choice
Will there be fun and games ahead
Of this I do not know
Will gardening fill the posts with growth
Or crafts, or books, or song
I do not know
This is the truth
There's only one, sure fact
God is the author of this blog
I just type, and that is that.
I'm really not sure why
It seems I had some things to say
How? I didn't know, I could only try
There was a time I tried to say
Those things that bloggers say
I tried some games, some things for fun
Very few wanted to play
Aha! I thought as I read some more
That's what I need to do
But that too didn't seem to work
What should I do today?
I almost quit. I really did.
This blog I almost stopped.
Then decided to pray, see what God had to say
Should I stop? No, He said, start
Start? I have not quit
The posts they come along
But did you write the things I led
Or did you go along
With other styles and other ways
That others were led to say
When did I tell you to leave the path
Why from my voice did you stray
Oh dear, I did, I now confess
I tried it on my own
This blog was started for You dear Lord
For You, and You alone
So here I sit a typing fast
I'm listening to His voice
It's Him I want to speak from here
He is the only choice
Will there be fun and games ahead
Of this I do not know
Will gardening fill the posts with growth
Or crafts, or books, or song
I do not know
This is the truth
There's only one, sure fact
God is the author of this blog
I just type, and that is that.