Save Some Money yet? All of the graphics are available free of charge and can be used to create beautiful, inexpensive artwork, gifts, stationery, and more. Aren’t these seashell engravings beautiful? They have been printed out on blue parchment paper in approx. 5 x 7 inch sized prints. How perfectly they will complement the seashell in the room. So perfectly in fact that I am tempted to leave this room in its seashell mode throughout the year rather than switch out for other seasonal décor.
After visiting Graphics Fairy, thoughts of other designs finding their way onto printable iron on pieces creating custom tea towels and pillows are flowing. Ooooh! I could almost squeal when I think of all the darling custom Onesies we could come up with. What darling baby shower gifts! Seriously, check out the free clip art and graphics at Graphics Fairy. You will enjoy all of the eye candy and get those creative juices going as well. All opinions are strictly my own. I'm not receiving anything in return for sharing them. This is just another tip for a freebie with great potential.
Speaking of freebies with potential...the September 2012 issue of Family Fun magazine came today. Wanted to mention a couple of freebies that caught my eye in this issue. On page 83 there is a code for a free carseat canopy and also another code for a free baby carrier (sling style). That's right, free! Shipping charges do apply, but even with shipping, these would make reasonably priced baby gifts. There are some other discounts available on the carseat canopy website that would be worth looking into - try $100+ package for $29.95. Besides these two great deals, the magazine is filled with fun back-to-school crafts, organization tips, and pizza recipes, lots of fun for all. There are slips inside of the magazine offering a discount on a two-year subscription.
That's it for money-saving tips today. I'll be back if I find any others.