They Never Lie?
Parenting Snippet: Thinking that our children never lie to us is one of the largest lies we can tell ourselves as parents. Our children are real, live human beings. This means that they are capable of any and every thing human beings are capable of, bad as well as good. Children are NOT born innocent. Nor are they born a blank slate. They are born sinful needing a Savior like everyone else. God says in His Word that "Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child. Proverbs" He also tells us in the New Testament that we are to come to Him as a child.
What am I being in front of my children? This is what they are learning. Ouch! Am I showing them what God can and will do to and for them that believe? May it be so. May I be an example worth following, one of a redeemed person set free and fully living for Him, the One who loved me, died for me, rose again, and has given me life full and free. In His name and for His glory.
What am I being in front of my children? This is what they are learning. Ouch! Am I showing them what God can and will do to and for them that believe? May it be so. May I be an example worth following, one of a redeemed person set free and fully living for Him, the One who loved me, died for me, rose again, and has given me life full and free. In His name and for His glory.