Prophetic Bulletin by Rick Joyner
Rick Joyner:
Prophetic Bulletin:
A Time For Courage
The scandals around Benghazi, the attacks on the press, and the IRS being used to target political enemies are some of the most shocking Federal Government overreaches in our history. Now we find these are only "the tip of the iceberg" of the assault on our freedoms and our basic privacy.
The revelation that the NSA has the capacity to monitor and store all phone calls, emails, text messages, social network posts, virtually all communications in America, and very soon the world, is so shocking that it is hard for many to believe. Already the power of our Federal Government to impose totalitarian control over its people is the greatest in history. The Administration maintains that their intentions are noble, regardless of the growing mountain of evidence to the contrary. Only the most naïve or ignorant believe that. Even if their motive is for security reasons, is that not the argument every other totalitarian regime in history used to gain control? Even if this Administration's intent is noble, what about those Administrations which follow?
All of these revelations and scandals are far beyond anything we have ever witnessed. They are coming at us so fast that people may go numb and just shut down. In the Book of Daniel, the devil's strategy is to attempt to "wear out the saints," and this has always been an effective strategy. However, now is not the time to shut down and throw up our hands declaring that this is too much to process. Everything we hold dear as Americans, our most basic liberties, are in serious jeopardy. It is time for courage and our most resolute determination that this is not going to happen on our watch, and that we will never give up. It is not too late.
The Three Important Questions
What is Happening?
• The IRS was used extensively to harass and silence the political opposition of the Obama Administration.
• Evidence is surfacing that the DOJ, EPA, and other agencies were used for the same purpose.
• The Administration has illegally seized the communications of journalists who were probing the Administration's activities.
• The level of the Administration's lies and attempts to cover up what happened at Benghazi makes it clear that something extremely important is being hidden from the American people.
What is Not Happening?
• The news media remains asleep, blind, or neutralized so that it is only tepidly covering what is shaping up to possibly be the biggest issues of our lifetime. As this is the biggest threat to the freedom of the press, more people are wondering if that freedom has not already been lost.
• With but a few exceptions, the Republican leadership in Congress is failing to demonstrate the kind of courage, resolve, and wisdom to lead us through this crisis that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.
• The majority of the American people are not waking up, but they are starting to stir.
• More people are becoming deeply alarmed, but they are not hearing a clear trumpet call to know how or where to rally.
What Can We Do About It?
• An eagle needs a left wing and a right wing to fly. The issues now facing us are bigger than many of the liberal and conservative issues we've been fighting over. Though we must never compromise our convictions, we must learn to fight together as Americans when facing these ultimate issues of our basic freedom.
• The unprecedented Federal overreach is, at least to a degree, the result of the States abdicating their rights under the Constitution to the Federal Government. Leadership at the State level, especially Governors and State Attorney Generals, could be the most important positions in the unfolding battle for our freedom.
• Blog, write, and speak every chance you get. Blogging has now surpassed the traditional media as the source of information for most Americans. Social Media is now more powerful in shaping public opinion than traditional media. Use it! Don't worry about who is monitoring it—preach to them too!
• Get engaged. Go to town hall meetings. Write to your elected officials often. Run for office. Work in campaigns. Donate time, money, and other resources. If we don't give it freely now, it will be taken from us soon.
• Don't stop because we don't seem to have quality leaders at this time—we have the greatest leader of all—King Jesus. He is the Truth, and all who love Truth will follow Him, regardless of the consequences, regardless of whether anyone else joins us.
• We must live by faith, not by fear. When the odds seem impossible is the time when the greatest leaders have arisen and the greatest miracles have been done. This is our time, and we must resolve that we will never, ever retreat or give up.
Key Strategy
That being said, the center of gravity for the fight to preserve our liberty must be taken out of Washington. State Attorney Generals have the authority to prosecute any crime committed in their State and against their citizens. With criminal charges, the power to take depositions under oath from employees and the management of these government agencies is the best way to get to the truth of who is responsible for this tyrannical use of police state tactics, the abuse of power, and the illegal seizure of property, information, and communications.
With the dearth of leadership now being demonstrated on the Federal level, there are some remarkable and courageous leaders arising in the States. If State Governors and Attorney Generals take the lead in this crisis, they will no doubt take back much of the authority given to the States by the Constitution that has been usurped by the Federal Government. This balance, which is essential for the preservation of the Republic, can be restored. There are key Governors and Attorney Generals already taking up this strategy. We must get behind them any way we can.
Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries
Rick Joyner is the founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries and is the Senior Pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church. He is the author of more than forty books, including The Final Quest, A Prophetic History, and Church History. He is also the president of The OAK Initiative, an interdenominational movement that is mobilizing thousands of Christians to be engaged in the great issues of our times, being the salt and light that they are called to be. Rick and his wife, Julie, have five children: Anna, Aaryn, Amber, Ben, and Sam.