Perspective Made New

The following post is also a previously posted word. It is a follow-up on yesterday's. May the New Year be full of new perspectives of victory and joy!

While thinking on my favorite part of the situation with David and Goliath, the "who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the Living God?" part, a new thought came to me. Actually, it wasn't really a thought. More of a statement quietly spoken to me, I believe, by God. What I feel God said was that God didn't use David to slay the giant. He used Goliath to propel David further into his God-designed destiny.

To say my attention was held would be an understatement of gross proportions. The revelations that filed through my thinking immediately following this statement have kept me pondering all week long. My perspectives have been wrong. I have been looking at situations as giants that need slaying. That's not what God sees. He sees guaranteed victory. I, as a human, am the only one who sees circumstances and situations from the viewpoint of the overwhelmed and underqualified. God sees everything from the perspective of Victor because He is always victorious.

For years I have prayed asking God to let me see as He sees, yet I have continued to look from a human standpoint. When the realization of the truths God revealed to me began to sink in, the excitement started spilling out a bit here and there. I still find myself marveling at what a difference it makes to view life in this new, renewed way. I am in awe at how much difference a change in perspective makes. Worried? No. Scared? Not hardly. Arrogant about it? NO. NO. A thousand times NO. Thankful? Oh yes. Weeping with gratitude for His abundant, amazing Grace. Thinking this perspective change is how a person is able to "count it all joy when you fall in various trials." When viewing a trial from the perspective of victor, everything changes, all is different, there is joy.

And the they are brought to life even more. I didn't imagine they could be more alive and real to me!

Revelling in His Loving Grace and Mercy,
Abundantly Blessed

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