It’s Time
Prayerfully I come before you to encourage you to get your Bible and begin reading every miracle and every supernatural deliverance and healing recorded there. Read every faith-filled declaration made by people in its pages. When you have read them, get every book, magazine, article of every miracle of God you can find and read them. Study them.
Thank God for what He has done in the past. Remind yourself of Who God is and what He has done. Remind yourself what is true. Believe God is who He says He is. Believe He will do what He has said He will do. Believe He is the same and He changes not. Feed your faith on the truth of Who He is. He changes not
Stand in the truth of Who He is and declare by faith He is God and He changes not. Speak it out loud. Praise Him for He IS worthy of ALL our praise. Give Him praise! Lift your voice! Shout the victory! Jesus IS Lord!
Do not be surprised if you hear words and/or songs of repentance and also praise and worship singing inside of you. Begin to pray them, to sing them. Adore the One you love.
Be quick to repent of every sin that comes to mind. Thank God for every answered prayer you remember for every circumstance and situation He has delivered you from.
Remember the song “This is how we fight our battles “. Read the Biblical accounts of the times God had the outnumbered army stand and see His salvation without having to do anything other than stand and see. Remind yourself Who it is you are living and loving for.
When you are full of awe at His greatness remember His grace and mercy to you and make a deliberate decision to believe He IS LORD! There is NONE like Him! He is good always! Always He is good! Make these truths the object of your focus and attention. For God is worthy and He alone deserves our praise. NOT evil wickedness. God and God alone.
It is time. It is time.