Already Late

This post was obviously written several days ago. I was going to get back to it after an interruption, but well...didn't. I almost reverted back to my perfectionistic ways and panicked because it didn't get sent out when it "should". Then, a still small voice spoke inside "What if it isn't late? What; if it is exactly on time? My time?" That being said, I am sending it anyway. For who knows but what it is going out "for such a time as this"? NEW YEAR PRAYERS & LOVE FROM MY HOUSE TO YOURS!!! Abundantly Blessed

HAPPY ALMOST NEW YEAR!!!! It is almost a brand new year! How does a year that has been so very full pass by so very fast? Ah, the age old question, no? Throughout the years we have shared many tips on our blogs for living fully without spending large. A few years ago an inner urging to change our blogs' focus brought about a reduction in those practical diy type posts of old. However, while pondering on the doings of this last day of the year, I sensed a drawing to get together for a good old-fashioned homemaking fest. You were the ones I immediately knew would gather close and come in by the fire for just such down home bliss. Thank you for coming!

Tomorrow will find us celebrating a new year with a celebratory feast, but tonight we will gather and sup on the simplest of fares, soup. Ham and bean soup along with chili will serve as the final supper of the year. Corn bread muffins, or waffles, will accompany our soups with cheese slices, crackers, sliced salami, and pickles rounding out the evening. Later on, when the clocks edges closer to the final hour, we will drink sparkling juices and possibly some hot tea. There is a distinct possibility that popcorn will show up sometime too.

Serving simple fare was the mantra at Christmas too. A cheesy potato casserole and delish meat sliced for sandwiches was a relaxing meal to both prepare and serve. Eliminating the stress and pressure a large meal often brings was a Christmas gift in and of itself. And that is our homemaking tip for living full and free in 2015, simplify. When you think you have simplified enough, simplify more. It reduces stress. AND for those occasions when one must "Go Big or Go Home", then by all means pull out all of the stops. Just make sure the process of doing so is conducted as simply as possible.

To simple, homey living,
Abundantly Blessed @ Abundance House

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