Fabulous Friday Returns - Sort Of

Hi! It's sunny outside, big girl kitty is peeking in the window of the back door, and the littles are ready for read aloud. While checking through emails this morning an article came through that I knew I wouldn't be able to resist sharing with you. So...here it is: http://www.celebratemag.com/a-beautiful-mess/. As I pondered how to present the article, I realized I was feeling all Fabulous Friday inside, a throwback to blog days gone by.

One of these days we'll meet at our bench, but for now, we'll concentrate on savoring each moment of rejoicing in this day that the Lord has made. Stay warm, drink lots of hot cocoa, snuggle up for good reads, and give thanks for it all. Oh! and always, always, always know Jesus and I love you!

Wrapped securely up in Him,
Abundantly Blessed

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