God Said That?
Good Morning! The tea kettle is on the stove heating up the water for our tea. Someone just got out the peanut butter if anyone needs a little sumpin sumpin to tide them over until lunch. Sorry about the leftover smell from our bacon at breakfast. The littles and I got right to lessons after breakfast and didn't do the dishes. So what have you been up to these first weeks of the new year? This morning an article woke me up a bit. The author mentioned a scripture where God said He would do this or that and that they believed Him. Whoa, how can such a simple thing as believing what God says become so difficult sometimes? Why do I allow myself to forget what God has said?
I have been thinking on this and now want to read through the scriptures to find everything God says He will do. As I search these truths out, I will write them down. Once they are written down I want to prayerfully go through each and every one making a conscious decision to believe what He has said. There is even a brand spanking new journal that will be perfect for this journey into the scriptures. A local store is going out of business and the stationery section is one of the highest percentages off. A new journal and thank you notes are waiting use. To all of our relatives, thank yous for the lovely Christmas gifts are coming! Please don't give up on us!
Anyway, back to believing what God has said. I want to know what is going to happen, what He is going to do. The news has all sorts of "stories" for me, but they aren't truth. Only God is completely true. I want to hear Him. His words are the ones I want to know. His words are alive, active, powerful. His words change lives, why not let them change mine? Why not start now?
I'll go get the journal. We'll start at the beginning of the Bible. Here, I'll pour the tea first. We'll want something to drink while we are searching out these truths.
Is it time for you to go already? Well, time flies when we're having fun, and God's word is fun to study. Feel free to bring your own Bible and journal next time. We can share with each other what we've found. Love you, friend!
Abundantly Blessed in Jesus @ Abundance House blog
I have been thinking on this and now want to read through the scriptures to find everything God says He will do. As I search these truths out, I will write them down. Once they are written down I want to prayerfully go through each and every one making a conscious decision to believe what He has said. There is even a brand spanking new journal that will be perfect for this journey into the scriptures. A local store is going out of business and the stationery section is one of the highest percentages off. A new journal and thank you notes are waiting use. To all of our relatives, thank yous for the lovely Christmas gifts are coming! Please don't give up on us!
Anyway, back to believing what God has said. I want to know what is going to happen, what He is going to do. The news has all sorts of "stories" for me, but they aren't truth. Only God is completely true. I want to hear Him. His words are the ones I want to know. His words are alive, active, powerful. His words change lives, why not let them change mine? Why not start now?
I'll go get the journal. We'll start at the beginning of the Bible. Here, I'll pour the tea first. We'll want something to drink while we are searching out these truths.
Is it time for you to go already? Well, time flies when we're having fun, and God's word is fun to study. Feel free to bring your own Bible and journal next time. We can share with each other what we've found. Love you, friend!
Abundantly Blessed in Jesus @ Abundance House blog