He Will...But Even If He Doesn't

The past couple of posts have been about God's faithfulness to His Word and standing in remembrance of His promises. All of this is very nice for a family with multiple generations of faithful believers, isn't it? But what if we don't have several generations of Christians standing in faith on God's promises? What if we don't even have one? There is a story that might encourage you.

Years ago in a tiny north central Kansas town lived a large family full of rowdy, and I've heard it said, mean boys and their sisters. One day a tent revival came to town and the mother met Jesus there. One by one her children also came to know Jesus, even one who had come to heckle the minister and break up the meeting. Now this mama was newly saved. She hadn't been discipled in Christian living. She didn't have years of faithfulness to God, but she invited her children and started praying anyway. Not only were her children saved, but almost all of them became ministers of the gospel, as did their children, and their grand children after them.

You see, God doesn't need generations of faithfulness to answer our prayers. The generations need His faithfulness to them. God cares for all of His children faithfully, no matter how long they have or haven't known Him, no matter how fully they do or do not walk in all of His ways. God is faithful. His promises are sure. His faithfulness is absolute. It is His faithfulness not ours that matters.

Looking back through the  years there are many things I would do or say differently. Countless times I could have behaved and spoken more maturely, more lovingly. More times than I would like to admit I have taken the easy way, the low road. Too often I chose the advice of men over the counsel of God in His Word. The mistakes and errors can loom like a towering black storm threatening the summer sun.

Storms have blown and torn at my heart. I haven't done life correctly every time. I haven't always loved well, but I have always loved. And just as God extended grace to Noah, so too God has caused a rainbow of promise to shine across the sky of my life, even in the middle of the raging storms.

God is faithful. He never ceases to love and care for me. his love never ends. His mercies never fail. They are new every morning. His faithfulness is not only constant, it is great. It lasts until our final breath and beyond.

Certain portions of scripture seem to stand out to me when I am reading. One of those portions is Daniel 3:16-18. The three Hebrew children were replying to a heathen king's rage after they had refused to bow down and worship any other than Jehovah. The consequence of not bowing was be thrown in a fiery furnace, but they would not bow. They believed God would save them. Their words to the king are some of my favorite in all of scripture.

"But even if He does not, we want you to know, your majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."

Bam! Even if He does not, we will not bow! What might this look like in my life today? Perhaps something like this...

God will protect my children, but even if they don't choose Jesus, I will not bow down to feelings of fear or failure!

God provides always, but even if He does not, I will not bow to the spirit of poverty or the fear of lack!

My children have been taught of the Lord, but even if they don't want me or my God, I will not bow to the loneliness and despair!

God directs my steps, but even if He does not, I will not bow to panic!

God lights my path and directs my steps, but even if He does not, I will not bow to the feelings of abandonment and rejection!

God protects my parents, but even if He does not, I will not bow to fear or bitterness!

God will...but even if He does not, I will not bow to any other god or worship any idol!

Even if He doesn't, I will not bow.

Job 13:15 is strikingly similar, "...though He slay me, yet will I trust Him..." Some versions say "...I will hope in Him..."

I will trust Him.
I will hope in  Him.
I will not bow.

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