The Answer
Some people will attempt to laugh their problems away. Others will drink themselves into a state of numbness. Some will bury their sorrow in work and activities. None of their efforts will heal their pain. Healing only comes through Jesus.
I have been alive for almost half of a century, and Jesus is the only answer that has ever been right every time, only Jesus. Jesus is the One who has always been there. Jesus, only He.
Whatever the question Jesus is the answer. Some say He has the answer. I say He is the answer. I know He is. He has never let me down, and I know He never will. He never has, never.
People have hurt me, lied to me, rejected me, and attacked my way, but Jesus has always been exactly the right answer to every problem or difficulty. When I feel lonely He is a companion like no other. When I am left out He includes me in what He is doing.
When all appears hopeless Jesus fills my heart with hope. When anxiety and fear threaten to strangle me Jesus gently holds me close reminding me of truth. He loves me when I am unlovely and listens when others are too busy to hear. Years of fear have been driven away by His perfect love.
Not everyone understands or even wants a relationship with my Lord Jesus, but He is still the answer. Their rejection of Him doesn't alter who He is. Jesus IS the answer. Will you receive Him today?