Thankful for the Help

Promiseland Academy is in session! Today was day number four of the first week of high school at our house. Monday will be the first day for the elementary and middle schoolers here. Has your school started for the year? How is it going? The first here day was rough, but it's going great now. New daily schedules and routines are proving to be worth their weight in gold. Godly counsel and advice from veteran homeschoolers have spurred me on to perservere. We also have the bonus of a new homeschool support group in our area.
How about you? Who cheers you on when the going gets rough? Where do you turn when the horrible realization of "I am SO over my head here" slaps you? Yes, the Lord is our ever present help in times of trouble. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. Also, there is no temptation facing us that isn't common or that God hasn't already provided a way of escape from. These truths from God's Word, the Holy Bible, are what we use to slash through all the uglies that assault us. Essential as these truths are, the help I'm referring to comes in after we have used the Word to slash through the thoughts assailing us, help in tangible form that God faithfully provides us. For us at Promiseland, if it were not for the information and resources made available to us from a number of places, we would have been woefully unprepared for the challenges that bringing everyone back home to school brings.
If I don't get the opportunity while on the earth, when Jesus takes us home to heaven I am definitely going to thank every one who gave of their time and talent to help our school. Without them, we would be in a sorry, sorry state. We have been abundantly blessed with godly, loving counsel, advice, suggestions. Unit studies, copywork, social study lessons, lesson plans, educational games, audios, workshops, have also been made available for extremely reasonable prices. Most of them were completely FREE OF CHARGE! Not all of the assistance we've received has been specifically for school. Some of it has been on the subjects of keeping the home, being a godly wife and mother, meal and menu planning, organizing the home, and so much more. All of this together has enabled our family to walk in the way God has led us amply armed and provided with the resources we need to further the Kingdom of God. If you are wondering about the source of these blessings, wonder no more. They have all been made available to us via the world wide web.
Mighty men and women of God are following their Heavenly Father's example and generously giving of their time, resources, and counsel so that mothers like me and homeschools like Promiseland can take root, grow, and flourish in Christ. Godly websites and blogs abound on the web. While it would be impossible for me to list every single site that has provided me with encouragement, I simply must share at least a few. As I already mentioned, not all of these sites are for homeschoolers only. Every one of them has resources to encourage us all in living for Christ with all our hearts. Even though every site is not homeschool content only, they are all homeschool friendly. The first website that God put in my life, the one that opened my eyes and got my thinking headed back in the right direction on many topics was The Rushton family's websites, there are several, will bless you like nothing else ever will. There are articles and resources to strengthen not only your homeschool, but your marriage, family life, finances, and more. I guarantee that by the time you leave their online home, you will know that you have been blessed.,,,, (always has free shipping),, www.homeschoolfreebieoftheday,,, and are merely a few of the sites I know will minister to you. Others are and the organized home. The list seems endless. I can't forget to mention the New Harvest Homestead newsletter. As they come to mind, I will try and mention more in future posts.
Homeschooling now sure isn't what it was six years ago. The world wide web has provided us with more resources and opportunities than I dreamed possible. I couldn't go through another day of school without saying "Thank you for the help!" May the Lord bless you abundantly. I know that our family has certainly been blessed.

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