Trimming the Schedule
Spring has sprung! Along with it have sprung up what appears to be a multitude of things to accomplish in a relatively small amount of time. Yes, it is crunch time. Not of this World will soon have graduated, Colonel Redeemed, Mustard Seed, and My Song are working diligently at finishing up another year of studies, and the two littlest of Blessed Mama's Rewards are spending every second possible outside with their favorite playmates, the kittens. In between finalizing graduation plans and studies, Blessed Mama, My Beloved, and their Rewards are helping out with calving and getting ready to plant their largest garden to date. Needless to say, we are busy, busy, busy. Finally, after failing to post day after day, Blessed Mama & Co. have realized the schedule needs trimmed. Living Large on Less will be experiencing some of this much needed trimming. Daily posts will be trimmed to weekly posts for the next few months.
Knowing that this is a busy season for many, we hope that this decision is a blessing to our readers as well. Thank you for being so faithful to send encouragement our way. Don't forget, the first 20 readers to send in a comment sharing their favorite way to enjoy granola will receive a booklet of our 20 favorite recipes! The booklet is "in the making" and is expected to hit the mail within the next two weeks. Until later, love & prayers from Blessed Mama.
Knowing that this is a busy season for many, we hope that this decision is a blessing to our readers as well. Thank you for being so faithful to send encouragement our way. Don't forget, the first 20 readers to send in a comment sharing their favorite way to enjoy granola will receive a booklet of our 20 favorite recipes! The booklet is "in the making" and is expected to hit the mail within the next two weeks. Until later, love & prayers from Blessed Mama.