Would the Real Me Please Stand Up?
Way back in the far recesses of my mind resides the vague memory of a game show. Throughout the course of this game, there were three individuals posing as one person. The goal of the contestants was to ask questions of these individuals to determine which one of the three was truly the person described. At the end, the host would ask "Would the Real__________ please stand up?"
Lately, I've been feeling a little bit like those three individuals. Who is the real Blessed Mama anyway? A few years ago I was the youngest mother with four small children. Then I was the young woman with four kids. Now, I am the woman with six children ages 20 months to 18 years of age. No longer do the fads and fashions matter so much. The desire for current looks has become much more balanced by the need of function. Immature and foolish perceptions have been replaced with truth learned while experiencing reality. Yes, much has changed. The young acorn is growing into an oak tree. Years from now, hopefully, I will look back at the young sapling I am now and wonder how such a large oak tree could have come from such a small and fragile plant.
Becoming the woman God created me to become is a never-ending journey from glory to glory. In spite of the often cold, harshness of life's journey, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am glad, so glad that I belong to God and that He is changing me into His likeness. Growth can be a painful process, but the results are worth it. Oh yes, God is good, and I'm glad to be His. Here's to small acorns and towering Oaks. The Real Me is standing up in the Grace of God. Love until next time, Blessed Mama
Lately, I've been feeling a little bit like those three individuals. Who is the real Blessed Mama anyway? A few years ago I was the youngest mother with four small children. Then I was the young woman with four kids. Now, I am the woman with six children ages 20 months to 18 years of age. No longer do the fads and fashions matter so much. The desire for current looks has become much more balanced by the need of function. Immature and foolish perceptions have been replaced with truth learned while experiencing reality. Yes, much has changed. The young acorn is growing into an oak tree. Years from now, hopefully, I will look back at the young sapling I am now and wonder how such a large oak tree could have come from such a small and fragile plant.
Becoming the woman God created me to become is a never-ending journey from glory to glory. In spite of the often cold, harshness of life's journey, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am glad, so glad that I belong to God and that He is changing me into His likeness. Growth can be a painful process, but the results are worth it. Oh yes, God is good, and I'm glad to be His. Here's to small acorns and towering Oaks. The Real Me is standing up in the Grace of God. Love until next time, Blessed Mama