the now

What a profound impact words can have on us.  A few words carelessly thrown around can wreak a lifetime of pain and havoc just as an equally few loving, well-placed words can produce years of joy.  The blog A Holy Experience sends out powerful words that carry lifechanging potential.  Please prayerfully consider a short selection from today's post The Only Place to Really Live.
 The snow's falling and my mind's racing ahead with all of the things that need to be done and there's still the pots and pans soaking and the laundry to be switched over and learning plans to be sketched out for the new year and how many emails that should have been responded to last week because there are real people that I really care about at the end of those notes and I have to get to the post office today and the calendar squares are fattening a year that isn't even born yet and I am only a little bit terrified of how to live.
The snow's so quiet, coming straight down… knowing where it's going.
I'm wiping off the table. It strikes me: I am not here. My mind's lunging ahead, already dashing onto the next and the next and the next, tripping over this and that and falling all over the future that isn't.
I profane this moment when I won't stay in it.
I desecrate now when I dismiss it in my push for the next. There are snowflakes sticking to the glass of the window.Right there at the table's edge I can see them clustering together, piling, melding on the pane. I almost missed it.
I miss living this moment because my head's already moved into the next moment — the one that isn't even here yet — and when I am not in this moment but trying to shove into a moment that doesn't even exist — I miss out on living at all. I may bodily be in this space but I am not even alive.
Could I be walking through the years but not even be alive?
"When I am present to the Presence of God meeting us in this moment, I am not worrying, I am not regretting, I am not chaffing, griping, fuming, fretting.
Be all here: and be holy.
Be all here: and be happy.
Because the Presence of I AM always fills the present moment.
Be all here and be at peace… content… awake —- Alive. When I am mindful of this moment, the mind fills with God and the heart fills with peace and joy-thanks fills the prayers and isn't the only way God can come to us is through the door of this moment? Here.
The flakes are larger now. Lingering. Their lacy edges entwine. This is the thing, the real thing of living —- Notice now: and you win joy. God is beautiful here.
I say yes to Him and the year of here and press my hand against the cool of the window.
Joy's a snowflake on the sill — it lives only here in this moment."


The statement that says "I profane this moment when I won't stay in it."  really grabbed my attention.  How many moments of every day do I profane?  How many sunrises, sunsets, and other brief moments my loving Heavenly Father intends as surprise blessings for me each day whoosh by completely unnoticed as I lunge ahead missing the beautiful gift of now. 
Making resolutions and setting goals each year aren't something I usually do.  I get tired of missing the mark and being disappointed so I just skip the entire process.  Yet something about this writing today has drawn me to contemplate the coming year with a greater determination.  This determination is starting to encompass a number of aspects in my daily life.  As the new year comes to us in that swift way it has, may we spend the few days remaining in this year living in the moment called now, embracing the wonder of today. 
"So teach us to number our days, that we may get us a heart of wisdom.  Let Your work [the signs of Your power] be revealed to Your servants, and Your [glorious] majesty to their children.  And let the beauty and delightfulness and favor of the Lord our God be upon us; confirm and establish the work of our hands--yes, the work of our hands, confirm and establish it."  Psalm 90:12,16,17
"So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own.  Sufficient for each day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:34


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