An Encounter of the God Kind
In two weeks our church is having an encounter, not a retreat, an encounter. This particular encounter is for women only. What is an encounter? It is a weekend set aside to encounter God in a new, deeper way. No cell phones, computers, or other electronic devices will be found among the women that weekend. Together we will meet, worship, and learn more of Him who died to set us free. We're getting deeper than our usual gatherings typically allow.
As I've been preparing my heart to go deeper in Him, interesting happenings have been taking place. I ran into a friend I hadn't seen in many years in a town that really didn't make logical sense for us both to be in at the same time. You're probably asking me when God ever made logical sense. I'm smiling along with you. It's true. Rarely does He follow human logic. I also catch myself remembering "forgotten" scenes from the past, scenes that contain areas I need to submit to God.
Far above and beyond these unexpected happenings however are the distractions. Yes, distractions, circumstances, instances, thoughts, a nasty spring cold, and a host of other things (for lack of a better term) that get in the way of focusing on the preparation of my heart to meet Him more fully at encounter. While bemoaning the distractions to God in prayer this morning I realized that there are distractions attempting to derail me every day, even when there isn't an encounter pending.
I think that Good Friday, the day we contemplate the sacrifice Christ paid for our complete and total freedom, is the perfect day to refocus our thoughts and minds. It is a perfect time to look our distractions full in the face and boldly declare we are His! We were bought with a price! We have been set free from any and everything that would distract us from Him who died that we might live! "Looking away from all that will distract to Jesus,..." Hebrews 12:2 Looking away to Jesus, good words for a Good Friday.
As I've been preparing my heart to go deeper in Him, interesting happenings have been taking place. I ran into a friend I hadn't seen in many years in a town that really didn't make logical sense for us both to be in at the same time. You're probably asking me when God ever made logical sense. I'm smiling along with you. It's true. Rarely does He follow human logic. I also catch myself remembering "forgotten" scenes from the past, scenes that contain areas I need to submit to God.
Far above and beyond these unexpected happenings however are the distractions. Yes, distractions, circumstances, instances, thoughts, a nasty spring cold, and a host of other things (for lack of a better term) that get in the way of focusing on the preparation of my heart to meet Him more fully at encounter. While bemoaning the distractions to God in prayer this morning I realized that there are distractions attempting to derail me every day, even when there isn't an encounter pending.
I think that Good Friday, the day we contemplate the sacrifice Christ paid for our complete and total freedom, is the perfect day to refocus our thoughts and minds. It is a perfect time to look our distractions full in the face and boldly declare we are His! We were bought with a price! We have been set free from any and everything that would distract us from Him who died that we might live! "Looking away from all that will distract to Jesus,..." Hebrews 12:2 Looking away to Jesus, good words for a Good Friday.