Intimacy in Winter
Cold winds and warm fires make snuggling down into cozy very easy indeed. This fast isn't a burden but a treat on days like today. Who wants the coldness of machine when there are sweet loved ones to enjoy? Who indeed? Questions such as this have me praying about a few little details of our days here at Abundance House. Thought there would be changes come out of the internet fast. Not sure I expected them to be the ones I am praying over now. Tea water is almost ready. Wanting to snuggle close to Jesus before the day gets any further spent. More time for snuggling in with Him, the Lover of My Soul is showing up during this fast of the online.
The intimacy of winter in real life, how I relish these moments,
Abundantly Blessed
The intimacy of winter in real life, how I relish these moments,
Abundantly Blessed