Hugs & A Recipe

Hi! It's still windy outside, though not as much as yesterday. Yesterday was fierce. I brought the recipe for Beefy Pot Pie with me. Would you like it? Here it is. If beef isn't what you have on hand, just adapt the recipe to fit the ingredients you have. Chicken, pheasant, and/or turkey could be used though I might switch out the cream of mushroom for cream of chicken if they are. Venison, antelope, elk, and other red meats could be used with the recipe as it is listed. Feel free to tweak as desired. Garlic is a nice addition. This recipe will serve 4-6.

Approx. 6-8 minute steaks dredged in flour and just browned on both sides - do not cook through
2 small cans of cream of mushroom soup or 1/2 of a large can
1/2 onion sliced into rings
4 carrots sliced
Approx. 8 potatoes peeled and sliced or cubed to desired size

Pastry enough for a double pie.

Cut steaks into small bite-sized pieces and combine with remaining filling ingredients. Roll out 1/2 of pastry and place in pie plate. Add filling. Cover with remaining pastry which has been rolled out. Trim and flute edges of pastry. Cut holes or slits in top of pastry to allow for venting of steam during cooking. Bake at 375 1 hour or until veggies are tender.

Unbaked pie can be frozen for future meals.

If a large crowd were gathering, this recipe could be multiplied and baked in a large casserole dish. It doesn't have to be in a pie plate. As a matter of fact, a cast iron skillet makes the most delightful crust. There is just something so rustic and fall like about cast iron too. It looks perfectly wonderful and homey on an autumn table.

Perfectly wonderful and homey and autumn. Isn't that just exactly what the days have been recently? Well, except for the wind. I'm not complaining about the wind mind you. It just prevents a person from fully enjoying the outdoors when it is blowing a gale force. Remember that "No Wimpy Prayers! No Wimpy Praise!" instruction from my friend? Well, it's another day of answer to my non-wimpy prayers! Another day of meals either in the crockpot or ready to go into the oven with time for school left over besides. In our house, THIS IS HUGE people!!! HUGE!!! AND...I forgot to give thanks for the 7 quarts of green beans on my pantry shelves and the 20 plus quarts of dried beans that Not of this World canned too. I did the green beans, mostly. I might have had some help from Not of This World. Thankful for that too.

As we enter the final few days of awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, I am continuing to examine my heart along with praying for instruction and wisdom on how to manage myself and home to the glory of God. How did your Rosh Hashanah feast go? Are you enjoying this new Jewish Year 5775 so far? We at Abundance House are. Learning about God's feasts has been so much fun and rewarding. We are thankful He led us to His feasts and more of Him. These aren't Jewish feasts; they are God's feasts. Leaving our bench today with a song. "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen." I could almost hear you harmonizing, especially on the final Amen! Lovely. Thank you for praising God with me dear friend. Brothers and sisters from the heart, a dear sweet treasure for certain.

Full of His glory and autumn splendor,
Abundantly Blessed

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