The Brave

There it was sitting in my inbox, an email from a blog writer I follow daily. As a matter of fact, the article was one I had read on her blog before. But today, today it was as if it were the very first time. Today the words came straight from the heart of Father God to mine.

"I've been rejected for my size -- but Jesus, Jesus takes all of me."
The singer on the stage, she says this, her eyes welling, her skin bare right there in her hands.
Then she raises her hands and she sings --
because the brave always keep singing on their own song --
unconditional acceptance always being the one size that fits all.
Quote from Ann Voskamp's post @ A Holy Experience blog

Here's the link for reading the entire article:

"because the brave always keep singing on their own song" We're singing our songs loud here today. So many words to share that this mama doesn't quite know where to begin sharing her heart. If the plug ever comes out, there may be a word flood of epic proportions:) Also finishing up the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge along with a book by Linda Dillow, What's it Like Being Married to Me? Still plugging my way through the series on A Thomas Jefferson Education. Those Thomas Jefferson education books are taking me a while to digest and get through.
Singing the praises of Jesus even as I take stickers out of small hands,
Abundantly Blessed @ Abundance House

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