Gratitude a Thousand Times

While regular Monday posts expressing the journey towards a thousand thanks haven't been posted, it is our sincerest prayer that each one of us has continued practicing this new habit.  Speaking of new habits, this week's verses to memorize in Colossians are Colossians 1:7-8.  It is my prayer that just as the author of Colossians had been informed of the love in the [Holy] Spirit of the church at Colosse(vs.8), so my love in the Holy Spirit of God may be known to others. 
Feel free to share your lists of thankfulness in a comment or by sending to  We are almost through the first month of a new year.  We are 24 days closer to meeting our yearly goals and 24 days closer to having established godly habits in thought and deed.  This is the year I am going to become more of a doer of the Word and less of a hearer. (James 1:22)   One way for me to see this goal through is to continue giving thanks.  I am thankful for.............#21-#50.
  1.  the end of a school day
  2. homemade pretzel bread baking in the oven
  3. BBQ ready to heat up for supper and crisp lettuce for a salad
  4. whispered plans for birthday surprises waiting for a soon to be 19 year old
  5. 19 years of loving a sweet baby girl (yes, she will always be mama's baby. always)
  6. The soothing comfort of God's Word as it cuts through the clutter and clamor of a busy house
  7. Beautiful snowfalls that look like something on a movie (this one is left over from Wednesday)
  8. rugs that catch the wet and muddy prints from snow-covered boots
  9. warm hats and mittens for those who go out to play in the cold
  10. hills for children to ride their toboggan down
  11. warm drinks that warm from the inside out
  12. freedom to live 
  13. a vehicle that runs
  14. doodle pads for two and four year olds to write on
  15. a four-year-old's excitement at learning
  16. the way a two-year-old counts "eight, nine, ten, four..."
  17. that when you are two and four, mama's loving arms and whispered endearments still make everything better
  18. that disassembled flashlights will go back together and still work - sometimes
  19. ornery, little twinkles in the eyes of my sons
  20. prayers prayed over me by those who love me most
  21. smiles, laughter, and love freely given and generously returned
  22. sunshine that brightens not only the house but our spirits and hearts
  23. seed catalogs reminding me that spring is just ahead
  24. special occasions & holidays giving us reason to celebrate
  25. time spent together as a family
  26. emails chats with a friend who honestly, truly "gets it"
  27. for the way a 17-year-old young man is grown and mature one moment yet complete little boy the next
  28. children that keep me out of a mothering rut - there's always something new
  29. new hair cuts making everything seem fresh
  30. creative ideas that will eventually become items of beauty
Have a blessed day in Jesus!

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