I Am Both Humbled and Renewed

*A quick note:  parts of this post won't make sense unless the provided link embedded in the post is clicked and the accompanying post from A Holy Experience read through.  Please take the time to click the link and read the post.  You will be SO glad you did.  Blessed Mama
Today as I struggle with being in the moment, I scroll through emails wondering who has come to visit me today.  There it is an update from A Holy Experience and I wonder what God will speak to me through this blog today.  How is it that one writer can so challenge and refresh my thinking?  How can one individual draw me closer in to the depths of the Father?  Today was no exception.  As the music of a piano begins to wash over my cold-stuffed, weary head and heart, the words concerning The Word begin to seep through the outer crust of yuck forming on my heart and mind.  Once more the Father draws me close to Him.  He has made all things new. (2 Cor. 5:17) 
As a new year is begun, I find myself longing for more of Him.  As I read the story of the grandmother and her legacy of memorizing God's Word, my heart is overwhelmed and smitten with the realization that there is so much more to this life than what I am living.  How often do I encourage my children to "hide the Word in their hearts" as I fill my own heart with other, less worthy things.  The knees of my heart bow before the Great I AM longing to know Him in this way. 
 Lord, please forgive my cluttered mind and heart.  May I know You in the beauty of every moment of every day.  May my entire being long for You for with the intensity of a babe longing for its mother.  May I bring myself to the foot of the cross and stay there until all of me is filled with all of You.  As the days pass by may it be You teaching the children, loving My Beloved, reaching out with healing hands--through me.  When the dishes are being washed let me talk to You.  Let me hear Your Words.  When dirty little faces are being scrubbed help them see You loving them.  Let them feel You, God the Holy Spirit permeating these earthly dwellings.  Oh that Your Word will be planted deep in the soil of my spirit taking root so that a never-ending harvest of righteousness will come forth.  When my grandchildren look through what I leave behind may they find You woven through every part of whatever is left behind.  If I leave nothing else besides You, I have still left them everything.  For You, Lord are all in all, The Great I Am, The Rose of Sharon, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, My Healer, My Provider, The Way, The Truth, The Life, My Comfort, My Fortress, My Rock, My Shelter, My Lover, My Father,  everything, absolutely everything. 
Oh the marvelous opportunities a new year brings.  A new year to love instead of hate.  A new year to heal instead of hurt.  A year to listen instead of speak or speak instead of remaining silent.  A year to sing instead of cry.  A year to weep over wrong and rejoice over rightness.  A year to smile when I want to scream.  To mend instead of tear down and to create rather than destroy.  2011 is a brand new year waiting to be filled just like those little notebooks are waiting to be filled with a commitment to memorize God's Word.  An entire chapter in just one year?  Yes, this is the year.  This is the year some seeds sown in my life long years ago begin to sprout and produce seed.  It's the perfect year for such a goal. 

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