Chicken Neck Anyone?
OK, it's a little hilarious in the house right now. Not of This World is getting chickens into the crockpots, and we she is laughing at the silliest things. Alright, so maybe I'm laughing too. Anyway, we're trying out a tip we heard recently on how to make roast chicken in the crockpot. The original recipe said to place a whole chicken on top of crumpled balls of foil and cook until done. The result will be a perfectly roasted chicken. Being out of foil, we improvised using an inverted foil mini loaf pan. Oh, by the way, apply the nonstick spray before placing the chicken in the slowcooker. Not that we learned this from personal experience or anything. ha
All that's left is to find something to do with these leftover chicken necks. Seriously, what does a person do with a chicken neck?
All that's left is to find something to do with these leftover chicken necks. Seriously, what does a person do with a chicken neck?