Some Days
This article was written on an earlier date.
Here I sit. I ought to be cleaning house, or starting supper, or putting sheets on my bed, or ….or ….. or any other number of things I ought to be doing. Yet, here I am typing away. I’ve spent too much time online today. Too much time spent staring at and reading words on a computer screen. Most of the minutes were spent reading for future school lessons or an upcoming ministry project. They weren’t wasted minutes, yet they were minutes spent somewhere other than where I am, at home. There are children in this house who call me mother that didn’t get mothered while I was online. There is a husband who didn’t get fed as well as he could have been, if I hadn’t been working on school, online. Balance, it’s such a fine line to walk. Making sure that every area of my life is in its proper spot, that no area creeps into another, that everyone is served with love, the responsibility of balance seems impossible some days.
Not every day is hard, but some are. Call them Monday, or Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, if you want. Some days are hard. Some days it’s all hard, even the good and the fun. Some days I just flat don’t want to, any of it. Yes, there are some days, but there are also other days. Days when the sun shines bright. Days when even the clouds gather around in a cozy way. Days when children are sweet, and so am I. When My Beloved talks long, and I listen sweet. It is the others that I give thanks for. When some days come, memories of other days remind me that some days aren’t forever, nor are they forever. Some days come; some days also go. Another day always follows some day. Another opportunity to love in the middle of war, to whisper in the midst of roaring, to rest in Father’s loving strength always shows up when I need it most.
Whether today has been a hard and difficult some day or a delightfully refreshing other, each of us can rest in the arms of a loving heavenly Father knowing He has written every day in our book, before any of them came to be. (Psalm 139:16)
“Oh Happy Day, Oh Happy Day, when Jesus washed my sins away. Oh Happy Day, Oh Happy Day”
Here I sit. I ought to be cleaning house, or starting supper, or putting sheets on my bed, or ….or ….. or any other number of things I ought to be doing. Yet, here I am typing away. I’ve spent too much time online today. Too much time spent staring at and reading words on a computer screen. Most of the minutes were spent reading for future school lessons or an upcoming ministry project. They weren’t wasted minutes, yet they were minutes spent somewhere other than where I am, at home. There are children in this house who call me mother that didn’t get mothered while I was online. There is a husband who didn’t get fed as well as he could have been, if I hadn’t been working on school, online. Balance, it’s such a fine line to walk. Making sure that every area of my life is in its proper spot, that no area creeps into another, that everyone is served with love, the responsibility of balance seems impossible some days.
Not every day is hard, but some are. Call them Monday, or Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, if you want. Some days are hard. Some days it’s all hard, even the good and the fun. Some days I just flat don’t want to, any of it. Yes, there are some days, but there are also other days. Days when the sun shines bright. Days when even the clouds gather around in a cozy way. Days when children are sweet, and so am I. When My Beloved talks long, and I listen sweet. It is the others that I give thanks for. When some days come, memories of other days remind me that some days aren’t forever, nor are they forever. Some days come; some days also go. Another day always follows some day. Another opportunity to love in the middle of war, to whisper in the midst of roaring, to rest in Father’s loving strength always shows up when I need it most.
Whether today has been a hard and difficult some day or a delightfully refreshing other, each of us can rest in the arms of a loving heavenly Father knowing He has written every day in our book, before any of them came to be. (Psalm 139:16)
“Oh Happy Day, Oh Happy Day, when Jesus washed my sins away. Oh Happy Day, Oh Happy Day”