Internet: Friend or Foe?

Have you seen all of the beautiful blogs out there and read all of the lovely writings published by gracious women? Have you viewed their delightful and inspiring photographs? Have you? Let me first say this, if you haven't, you should, at least once anyway. The world is filled to overflowing with creative, crafty, geniuses who are each actively infusing their worlds with grace and beauty. Many of them blog. With such a treasure trove of inspiration available, a homemaker would be nuts not to take advantage of the ideas, right? Wouldn't they? Hmmmmmmmm, maybe. Then again, maybe not.

Special occasions are definitely worthy of online idea surfing, but daily "visiting" via the world wide web all day, every day? Yeah, not so much. There is a truth that has been revealed to me lately. Said truth is this, a person can leave home without going anywhere. I don't mean by reading books or pretending either. Leaving is too easily possible via the world wide web. The very tool that has the potential to strengthen homemaking skills and open avenues of beauty also possesses the ability to lure a loved one out. Without caution, one can be lured out of the life God has designed them for into a world of personal choice. This virtual world of perfection isn't far; it's only one, small click away. Even the most well-intentioned can be snared.

Before this takes on the tone of a gloom and doom work, let it be made clear that there is nothing wrong with the internet. Neither is it wicked to utilize it to the full; it is a useful tool. When the tool begins to dictate to the user, however, it's time to put the tool back in the toolbox. When home duties and other responsibilities are neglected due to internet usage, it is the same as if the homemaker were spending all of his/her time indulging in pleasure instead of caring for those placed in his/her sphere of influence. 

How is a person supposed to know when the tool of the internet needs to be used less often? Each one must determine the answer individually, or as a family. A few questions can be asked to aid in the decision process us though. How much time are our beloveds spending alone while we are online? How much time do we invest in our families compared to those in our virtual world? Are we spending time online for a legitimate purpose or as a means of escape from the reality we are currently in? Are our families and loves being strengthened by our online visits? Do those around us receive the very best part of us? Do we spend time with God each day? How did we spend our time before having the internet? What did we spend our days doing? Who did we visit? Did we read more? Where did we go during the time we now spend online? What have we sacrificed for our online excursions and relationships? Anything?

Online relationships and virtual communication contain huge blessing potential. It is up to each and every one of us to use these life-changing tool in ways that will bless our families and loved ones best. May our internet usage be used for the glory of God; may it be dedicated completely to Him. In Jesus' name we pray,Amen.

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