Yes! I Did It!

I did it! I scheduled our first post for next year's Christmas season! Isn't that fun? Having the ability to preschedule articles allows me to celebrate any holiday, any time of the year! Love it! Now to make sure that I don't fail to celebrate and fully live today, the right now. Yes, this may very well be a strain that will be heard throughout the coming year.

Changes are coming to A Mother's Rewards. While I am currently unsure of the extent of these changes. They are coming. One of the largest changes for me is the addition of advertisements. Also, content will be posted less frequently yet (hopefully) contain higher quality writings and more photographs. There will also, more than likely, be more joint and/or coordinating topics shared between A Mother's Reward and her sister blog Abundance. As a matter of fact, combining the two blogs to form one source of blessed randomness is a prayerful consideration right now.

Most importantly, A Mother's Rewards is striving to be real. You are real people with real needs, desires, wishes, and goals; I am a real woman with the same. It is my earnest prayer that any and every mask comes off in the coming year(s). That when A Mother's Rewards is visited guests meet a real, live woman, a woman who lives, loves, laughs, and cries just like they do. A woman who isn't afraid, someone who refuses to hide behind her words. May guests find a listening ear, a comforting touch, and a place of rest when here.

Topics and posts may vary greatly. One day may be ridiculously silly, another seriously serious. Whatever the day, whatever the topic, if Christ has been lifted up and honored, if His work has been done, it will have been a good post and a good day. If nothing else, we know that there will be a really good post the day after Thanksgiving; I just posted it today:) That being said, Happy  New Year Everyone! We're in for a year of change and grace to face those changes.

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