Closer Than A Brother

"...but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
Proverbs 18:24

"No one has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends.
You are My friends if you keep on doing the things which I command you to do.
I do not call you servants (slaves) any longer, for the servant does not know what his master is doing (working out).  But I have called you My friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from My Father. [I have revealed to you everything that I have learned from Him]."
John 15:13-15

"You are my friends if you keep on doing the things which I command you to do."   These are the words Jesus spoke to His disciples shortly before He was taken up to Heaven.  Jesus was preparing them for the time when He would no longer be with them face to face, just as I talk with and prepare my children whenever I am going to town without them.  As I read this portion of scripture I can't help but compare it to the lists I often leave on the counter for my own kiddos.  The lists I leave contains a miscellaneous combination of instruction, reminders, and love; so does the one Jesus left behind for me. 

My children work very hard to fulfill the responsibilities I request of them.  They work and work until each task is completed---in the manner I prefer.  Why?  They want to please me.  The question I'm asking myself right now is I working to complete each task Jesus has left for me to do?  When I do the things Jesus has commanded, am I doing them in a manner that He would prefer?  Or am I so busy trying to manage my own affairs that the Lord's desires are left unread and undone?  Jesus doesn't say that I am His friend if I work at the things He has commanded me to do once in awhile, here and there.  He says "if you keep on doing the things which I have commanded you to do."   Am I keeping on?

Jesus laid His life down for me.  John 15:15 tells that He calls me His friend.  Jesus also says He has revealed everything that He has learned from the Father to me.  Now that's friendship!  Yesterday, I shared memories of my mother and her friend visiting in the kitchen.  I don't know for certain (I didn't eavesdrop) but I would imagine that mixed in among the laughter they shared were secrets, dreams, and heart desires.  According to the verse in John 15, that is exactly what Jesus has done with His friends, He shared everything the Father revealed to Him.  That's what friends do, they share with each other.  A hymn is running through my mind again.  It says it all so well.

"Friendship with Jesus
Fellowship divine
Oh what blessed sweet communion
Jesus is a friend of mine

A friend of Jesus, oh, what bliss
That one so weak as I
should ever have a friend like this
To lead me to the sky

A friend when other friendships cease
A friend when others fail
a friend who gives me joy and peace
A friend who will prevail

A friend to lead me in the dark
A friend who knows the way
A friend to steer my weak, frail bark
A friend my debts to pay

A friend when sickness lays me low
A friend when death draws near
A friend as thro' the vale I go
a friend to help and cheer

A friend when life's rough voyage is o'er
A friend when death is past
A friend to greet on heaven's shore
A friend when home at last.

Friendship with Jesus
Fellowship divine
Oh, what blessed sweet communion
Jesus is a friend of mine."

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