Have You Ever....Worn Two Different Shoes?

Have you ever slipped on two entirely different shoes and walked around the house for at least an hour before noticing?  And then only because you happened to glance down at your feet!


I have, obviously.  When I discovered what I'd done, I laughed hysterically on and on until my children and husband began to question my sanity.  My son, then approx. 8 yr. old was honestly really, really worried about his mama because she just laughed and laughed and laughed with tears running down her face completely unable to communicate due to incontrollable laughter.  Whew!  What a release that laugther was.  I could use a laugh like that every so many months.  By the way, this is the very incident that broke me of slipping my shoes off during the meal and leaving them under the table.  This would never have happened if there hadn't been more than one pair of shoes under there, and what if I had gone to town like that?  It's been at least eight years since this happened and the older girls still remember their mama laughing until brother was worried. 


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