Do I Know Him?

Hi There! It is the beginning of a windy evening here at Abundance. Giggle, Might Man of God, and I have been having a great time learning together the past several weeks of Kindergarten. Might Man of God is only three, but he enjoys singing with us, repeating drills, and coloring. Letters, numbers, and sight words aren't the only things Blessed Mama has been learning though. All of us here at Abundance continue to be amazed as we regularly read the same lessons and truths in other placesGod has been taking her to His school of life as well. The next few posts share some of the lessons He has shared with Blessed Mama. . Truly God is telling all of His children the same teachings. Prayerfully consider subscribing to the daily words sent out via email from The Elijah List website. These have been powerful, confirming words; words full of NOW truths for today.

Without further adieu, we will share the newest article. The following article, along with the next several, have each been written at an earlier date. Because of Christ, Blessed Mama

As I sit down to write this morning I am reminded of how in one of the letters the apostle Paul wrote in the New Testament, he told the readers of his letter to look at the large handwriting with which he had used to tell them of what he had written. The passion and feeling for what he had written was so intensely strong that the letter had been written in his own hand rather than being dictated to another.

Even though I don’t yet know what I will be writing today, I, as Paul did, have chosen a large size of type to share it. There is an intensely strong urgency within me. Whatever God the Holy Spirit is leading me to share, it is important. Those who read must know that God means it.

He means everything He has said. The question is, do I know what He has said? Have I read enough of His Word, the Holy Bible, to know the words of my God? Do I spend enough time with Him to know His heart’s cry? Is He my only priority? Is He my all in all? Have I become swayed and entrapped by the world and it’s illusions of grandeur?

I profess Him as Lord, but do I know Him? I am part of His Holy Bride, the one betrothed to Him in Holy Covenant. Yet, am I loving Him as one in love loves the very beat of their heart? Am I blindly walking on roads built on traditions of men? Are my days spent diligently plodding along step by weary step? Have I become so focused on doing exactly what a good girl does that the blazing heat of my Holy Lover’s passion has become nothing more than cherished memory? Is the fire of His love, a remembrance of “once, a long time ago, in a land far away”?

May it not be so, Lord. May I never cease to worship you in Spirit and in truth. May I never forget You and who I am in You. Your ways are not my ways, and Your thoughts are not my thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8, 9) This is a good thing, God, a very good thing. May your Word accomplish that which You please and purpose in my life. May it prosper in the thing for which You sent it. (Isaiah 55:11) Show me Your ways. Teach me Your paths. Lead me in the way everlasting. Mold me and make me into the Bride of Your deepest desire and longing. This is my heart’s cry. How I want to see as You see and hear as You hear, not as the world sees and hears, but like You. I long to be transformed into Your image. May it be so, in the name of Jesus. Thank You. Oh how I thank You Lord. In Jesus’ name, AMEN

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