Wanna Swap?
For fun, affordable celebrations consider Swaps. Cookie swaps, book swaps, fabric swaps, scrapbook supply swaps, game swaps, video/dvd swaps, practically anything can be swapped. Swaps are easy to host along with being economical and best of all, fun. What are you into? Chances are you already know several others who share your interest. Turn that interest into a swap.
Do you make cards? Grow herbs? Hit the garage sales and flea markets? Gather a specified number of items together, invite others to do the same, get together and SWAP! Refreshments need not be fancy or complicated. This is all about begin together and enjoying each other's company aka savoring each other. (Do we sound like a worn out record yet?) Swaps are also a great opportunity to get something new without money. They might even provide Christmas gifts to give. Bloggers might even be able to swap articles. Ready? Let's SWAP!
Do you make cards? Grow herbs? Hit the garage sales and flea markets? Gather a specified number of items together, invite others to do the same, get together and SWAP! Refreshments need not be fancy or complicated. This is all about begin together and enjoying each other's company aka savoring each other. (Do we sound like a worn out record yet?) Swaps are also a great opportunity to get something new without money. They might even provide Christmas gifts to give. Bloggers might even be able to swap articles. Ready? Let's SWAP!