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Our family home schools. We do mention it every so often; however, up to this point, we haven’t ever written an actual post exclusively about homeschooling. Truthfully, we still haven’t written a post; someone else has. While reading the following article by Dr. Brian Ray, I felt impressed to share it here on the blog.
While education is a free choice each family makes for themselves, learning about the ways and practices of others is always fun. Learning of others also helps us gain perspective and insight. It is for this reason we are publishing today’s post. This article by Dr. Ray is not intended to persuade or convict anyone. It is simply an informative article that provides some interesting facts about homeschooling and homeschoolers in general.
Click here to read.
While education is a free choice each family makes for themselves, learning about the ways and practices of others is always fun. Learning of others also helps us gain perspective and insight. It is for this reason we are publishing today’s post. This article by Dr. Ray is not intended to persuade or convict anyone. It is simply an informative article that provides some interesting facts about homeschooling and homeschoolers in general.
Click here to read.