Freezer Cooking, Less Stress

Banana muffins, tortillas, noodles, meatloaf, lasagna, cookie dough, breakfast casserole, homemade runzas, and a host of other food items are finding their way into the freezer as Not of This World works at making the first few weeks after Victorious Man of God’s entry to our family as easy as possible. She has done it all by herself. Well, I did nibble a bit of muffin that fell onto the counter and offered recipe consultant services off and on. While I am not certain this stocking of the freezer is something we will continue indefinitely, it is comforting to know that meals for those first days of adjustment are almost complete and that they are waiting.

Besides serving as taste tester and recipe consultant, I have also been jotting down meal plans for this month and next. These monthly meal plans have been adapted to our personal lifestyle by including Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper all three instead of only dinner as many menu plans do. Page numbers of new recipes have also been included with each meal along with the name of the cookbook used added at the top of the chart. Since a baby’s arrival is unpredictable at best, I have prepared a separate two week “after baby” meal plan without specific dates. This two week plan can be plugged into the monthly meal calendar whenever it is needed. The meals on the “after baby” plan are nursing friendly. We don’t want an upset tummy to be part of our adjustment time with Victorious Man of God.

I am truly blessed to be taken care of so thoroughly. However, I simply can’t do nothing while Not of This World does all of the work. So I have planned to put some dishes in the freezer myself during the next few days. A veggie beef soup will be making its way into the freezer. French bread, dinner rolls, and chicken broth are also on the list to be frozen. Not everything going into the freezer is a complete dish or meal. Some items will be individual components that can be used to throw together quick as a wink meals or snacks later. Examples of these are tortillas, cookie dough, and rolls. Meats and veggies are either already in the freezer or will be prepared in slow cookers as needed.

Have any of you done any freezer cooking? Was it in preparation of a future event? If you have, please feel free to share your experience and/or expertise with us at or leave a comment sharing tips and advice. We look forward to hearing from you.

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