The Removal of Herself
There is a challenge that was recently issued. This is a personal challenge sent forth from one woman to herself. Can she write without using I, me, my, or mine? Hmmm. Could she? The author wonders if it is possible to write blog posts without those words. After all, a blog is a personal space. Personal spaces usually include references to one's self. Hmmm. Somehow, the woman knows she must try. There is a tiny little flutter of something deep inside that stirs up the depths in her being. Yes, the woman has to try.
Challenges must be met, but how? And why? Why must the I, me, my, and mine be removed from her words? The author wonders long yet gently begins removing herself from the story. More and more personal references are taken out of the writing equation; phrases are reworded to include all who might read them. How surprised the writer is to realize she focuses so much on herself. As time goes on, the author realizes that the less of herself she includes, the more pleasant and relaxed living is. Yet everything is inexplainably more intentional as well. How is this possible that relaxing increases the intentional?
Not wanting to lose the relaxed state of mind, the writer continues on gently. She knows that the One who stirred her to accept the challenge is the One who will give her understanding into all of the whys and hows. Striving for answers in her own strength produces nothing of value. It is as God, the One who knows all, has said in His Book. Trust in Me with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Me, and I shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5,6) God has also said in His book of James that He gives wisdom to all who ask. Not only does He give wisdom, He gives it liberally and without reproach.
Wanting to be complete and lacking nothing (James 1:4), the writer continues on with patience. She has served her Heavenly Father long enough to know He is Truth, so is His Word. Everything God has said in His Word, the Bible, will tell her everything she needs to know. She must remain faithful in the study of it, just as a miner faithfully mines the depths of the earth in search of hidden wealth. The wealth that the author is seeking possesses value far greater than that of the earth. True Truth must be not only discovered but lived. When lived fully, truth, not fact, will set free. It will also heal, reveal, expose, loose, bind, restore, renew, complete, finish, provide, encourage, fill, teach, lead, and guide. The Word doesn't merely contain the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the Word is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. (John 1:1) (John 14:6) (John 17:17) (2 Timothy 3:13 - 17)
Continuing on while persevering in faith. The road is narrow. Few travel it. The journey isn't complete. The challenge is but one of many. More will issued. All of this the woman knows. Seasons will change. People will come then go. Storms will arise then abate. Bare branches will produce green leaves that will revert to their true colors before falling to the ground. Snow will fall and cover that which lies fallen. What seems to be impenetrable cold will melt to water the earth that in turn soaks into the roots of the tree which again produce green leaves. Over and over cycles of life, living, dying, and living again testify of the One who made them. His wisdom is revealed in every cycle of life being lived on the earth.
A challenge was issued and accepted. It remains in the season of being met. A woman heard the great I AM and is following where His still small voice is leading. Can intentional living get any more intentional? Can it be more real? Listening, hearing, accepting, willingly doing, unknowingly becoming, listening still, hearing yet more, this too is one of life's cycles. Seasons of living full arrive then depart while a woman moves to the beat of love's pounding heart. Love begat life, and life lives love full. Little truths turn out to be what the big truths are made of. Little parts joined into the larger whole. It's a pattern oft repeated for sure.
A woman wonders. God answers. She wonders some more. His answers come still. Giving thanks to God who is life, love, and all good. Relinquishing her control to His loving way. The way to intentional realness stretches out in a forever love journey of challenges, rhythms, seasons, and grace. Always grace. A song runs through the woman's head. It isn't a song known as a God song, but it's words ring true just the same, "I don't know much, but I know I love You, and that may be all I need to know." Yes, knowing I love Him may definitely be all there is to know.
Dancing to the rhythm of Love's grace,
Abundantly Blessed @ Abundance House
Challenges must be met, but how? And why? Why must the I, me, my, and mine be removed from her words? The author wonders long yet gently begins removing herself from the story. More and more personal references are taken out of the writing equation; phrases are reworded to include all who might read them. How surprised the writer is to realize she focuses so much on herself. As time goes on, the author realizes that the less of herself she includes, the more pleasant and relaxed living is. Yet everything is inexplainably more intentional as well. How is this possible that relaxing increases the intentional?
Not wanting to lose the relaxed state of mind, the writer continues on gently. She knows that the One who stirred her to accept the challenge is the One who will give her understanding into all of the whys and hows. Striving for answers in her own strength produces nothing of value. It is as God, the One who knows all, has said in His Book. Trust in Me with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Me, and I shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5,6) God has also said in His book of James that He gives wisdom to all who ask. Not only does He give wisdom, He gives it liberally and without reproach.
Wanting to be complete and lacking nothing (James 1:4), the writer continues on with patience. She has served her Heavenly Father long enough to know He is Truth, so is His Word. Everything God has said in His Word, the Bible, will tell her everything she needs to know. She must remain faithful in the study of it, just as a miner faithfully mines the depths of the earth in search of hidden wealth. The wealth that the author is seeking possesses value far greater than that of the earth. True Truth must be not only discovered but lived. When lived fully, truth, not fact, will set free. It will also heal, reveal, expose, loose, bind, restore, renew, complete, finish, provide, encourage, fill, teach, lead, and guide. The Word doesn't merely contain the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the Word is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. (John 1:1) (John 14:6) (John 17:17) (2 Timothy 3:13 - 17)
Continuing on while persevering in faith. The road is narrow. Few travel it. The journey isn't complete. The challenge is but one of many. More will issued. All of this the woman knows. Seasons will change. People will come then go. Storms will arise then abate. Bare branches will produce green leaves that will revert to their true colors before falling to the ground. Snow will fall and cover that which lies fallen. What seems to be impenetrable cold will melt to water the earth that in turn soaks into the roots of the tree which again produce green leaves. Over and over cycles of life, living, dying, and living again testify of the One who made them. His wisdom is revealed in every cycle of life being lived on the earth.
A challenge was issued and accepted. It remains in the season of being met. A woman heard the great I AM and is following where His still small voice is leading. Can intentional living get any more intentional? Can it be more real? Listening, hearing, accepting, willingly doing, unknowingly becoming, listening still, hearing yet more, this too is one of life's cycles. Seasons of living full arrive then depart while a woman moves to the beat of love's pounding heart. Love begat life, and life lives love full. Little truths turn out to be what the big truths are made of. Little parts joined into the larger whole. It's a pattern oft repeated for sure.
A woman wonders. God answers. She wonders some more. His answers come still. Giving thanks to God who is life, love, and all good. Relinquishing her control to His loving way. The way to intentional realness stretches out in a forever love journey of challenges, rhythms, seasons, and grace. Always grace. A song runs through the woman's head. It isn't a song known as a God song, but it's words ring true just the same, "I don't know much, but I know I love You, and that may be all I need to know." Yes, knowing I love Him may definitely be all there is to know.
Dancing to the rhythm of Love's grace,
Abundantly Blessed @ Abundance House