Words for Wednesday
Can't remember the last time a list went out of the books currently in the "to read" pile. Well, that pile has now become something akin to a small library of its own, and the majority of the books on the last list sent out are still on it waiting to be read. Somehow, the entrance of a new baby seven months ago cut down on reading time. Cuddling and snuggling babies are much more important.
Now that said wee one is getting older and crawling e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e, the books to read just keep growing. The time to read them, however, is also growing thanks to the shortening days of fall. Autumn evenings are lengthening just enough to provide a spare hour here and there perfect for sneaking in a brief read while baby enjoys playing with older brothers and sisters.
The start of school earlier this fall also provides read aloud times for Giggles, Mighty Man of God, and I. How we adore learning through literature. Learning the parts of speech while visiting the pages of Grammarland is much more enjoyable than through a boring lecture and memorization alone. We are also devouring the pages of the What You Want Your Kindergartener....1st grader....2nd grader....etc. series edited by Ed. Hirsch. These aren't the only sources of learning we read, just the ones we are using most often during this first quarter.
On a personal note, I have one recommendation today. You Are Not What You Weigh by Lisa Bevere. Written concerning weight, this book is not about weight alone but anything that takes the place of God in our lives. Biblical, short, concise, loving yet candid. I consider this book to be a must read for one and all, no matter what one weighs. If wanting more to read concerning weight issues, consider reading Weigh Down Workshop written by Gwen Shamblin or its follow up book Rise Above also written by Gwen Shamblin.
For the men and/or the women who care about them, Loose that Man and Let Him Go! by T.D. Jakes is a revelation of true freedom seldom addressed. I could barely put it back on the shelf to go fix supper. I think it might be screaming to me to finish it everytime I walk by the shelf too. Of course after I read that I will hear Healing the Wounds of the Past by T.D. Jakes calling my name. At least I imagine it will. The Three Battlegrounds by Francis Frangipane is one of the first I want to read this season.
And there are more, many, many more that have caught my interest as well. Those will provide a list for another visit, another time. It's time for me to be fixing supper. Keep reading and please feel free to share via comment or at amothersrewards@gmail.com.