Tomorrow morning the first day of school begins at our house. Wonderfully enough, no one is that worked up about it. Basically, it will provide us with a welcome excuse to read more, A LOT more. Yes, there will be Math and Science along with essays and journals to write, but we will be reading through enough good literature to make the writing easy. A new year + new approach = new opportunities to grow and learn. God is doing a new thing,(Isaiah 43:18,19) and we are going to be in on it, even in school.
To celebrate this new year of new opportunities, we are going to do something surprising and fun. What? It's a surprise. We'll share about it later. Does your family have any special back to school traditions? Let us know what they are by leaving a comment. We can't wait to get more ideas for our new year of new things.
By the way, make some time to visit Living Large on Less this week. There's going to be a party going on over there!
Also, it's time to be thinking of our fall gardens again. Get ready, I'm going to be asking what everyone is up to this year. I hope to plant hollyhocks and something else that I can't remember right now. Yeah, that's kind of scary, I know. Anyway, we can't wait to learn more from all of you out there. Be on the lookout for more fun visits as we enter another season of new things.
With all the talk of new things, I can't resist letting you know that there are several fun and yes, new topics, ideas, and celebrations in store for readers and followers of A Mother's Rewards. This is one year you aren't going to want to miss, neither will your friends. Most of the "newness" will show up in a rather haphazard fashion, a little here and a little there. Because of the potential for randomness, if you haven't already subscribed to receive posts via email, this is the perfect time. It's the only way I can guarantee you won't miss out on all of the fun throughout the coming year. And tell me ladies (and gentlemen) has there ever been a time when we needed the refreshing that godly fun provides more than we do now? The Word says a merry heart doeth good like a medicine (Proverbs 17:22) so get ready to eat (new recipes), drink (more new recipes), and be merry in Christ Jesus. We are going to blog our way to healthy bodies, hearts, and minds through Christ Jesus in a year of new beginnings, new approaches, and new opportunities!