New Blog Address
Dearest Readers,
A friend recently asked about the blog. She hadn't seen any new posts for a long time and wondered if we had closed down. I realized right then that my friend hadn't received notice of our newer address. At that point I realized that there has been another address change, one I forgot to share. With deepest apologies for any inconvenience my error has caused, I am excited to announce that Abundance House has a new address. The address now matches the blog's name: .
You are more than welcome to share it with friends, family, neighbors far and near. Anyone who might enjoy a little bit of blessed randomness is welcome to join us. I am working at getting Not of This World back into the action with pictures - and posts - as well as contemplating new ideas from brand new contributors.
If you know anyone who enjoys life along with all of the bits and pieces that make it up, please feel free to invite them over for a visit. There may even be some posts about ranching and country living. One can never tell. I am praying about the direction God desires Abundance House to take, whether He wants us to take it up a notch, get a facelift, remain the same, or what exactly His plan is. For certain, there will continue to be sharings from the heart and wholesome tidbits from our house of true Abundance.
Thank You for being a part of Abundance House!
In Christ's Love,
Blessed Mama
A friend recently asked about the blog. She hadn't seen any new posts for a long time and wondered if we had closed down. I realized right then that my friend hadn't received notice of our newer address. At that point I realized that there has been another address change, one I forgot to share. With deepest apologies for any inconvenience my error has caused, I am excited to announce that Abundance House has a new address. The address now matches the blog's name: .
You are more than welcome to share it with friends, family, neighbors far and near. Anyone who might enjoy a little bit of blessed randomness is welcome to join us. I am working at getting Not of This World back into the action with pictures - and posts - as well as contemplating new ideas from brand new contributors.
If you know anyone who enjoys life along with all of the bits and pieces that make it up, please feel free to invite them over for a visit. There may even be some posts about ranching and country living. One can never tell. I am praying about the direction God desires Abundance House to take, whether He wants us to take it up a notch, get a facelift, remain the same, or what exactly His plan is. For certain, there will continue to be sharings from the heart and wholesome tidbits from our house of true Abundance.
Thank You for being a part of Abundance House!
In Christ's Love,
Blessed Mama