I'm Entering Into Change
Good afternoon! As you have noticed, the look of A Mother's Reward has changed! I was feeling the need to "rearrange furniture" and took it out on the blog instead :)
Thank you to everyone who has sent in answers to questions. It makes it fun for everyone. To add to the fun, the first person who answers tomorrow's question will receive a mix of Apple Pie Spice. If that is you, we will zip the spice off in the mail to you or maybe even hand deliver it. The spice mix is homemade by my very own Angel and would be great in any number of uses not just in apple pie. How about making yourself your very own spiced tea or coffee? What about spiced cocoa?
Tomorrow's question is: Santa or not?
As I was thinking about and pondering on "Entering In" for our series on experiencing a PEACEful Holiday Season, I have to confess something. That's all I have on this topic. "Enter In" If I am going to experience the Peace that passes all understanding, I must enter in. I can't rock my way there as I rock my little man. Though I can enter in while doing so. Just as I can't rock my way there, neither can I wash, dry, fold, put away, or teach my way into peace either. I have to purpose to enter into the peace that Jesus has given me.
Keeping my focus on truth John 14:6 puts me in a place to receive deliverance from the daily temptations assailing me. Temptations? What temptations could I have? More than imaginable. Some days it seems as if I am constantly bombarded on every side by them. From the moment I awake until the second I lay down to sleep, the temptation to sin is great. Fussing little ones, lack of sleep, mountains of laundry, teasing and taunting teens, the list of things that tempt me to leave the path of Love(God) and operate in the flesh seem endless.
God says to be kind one to another Eph. 4:32. All I want to do is bark out a command rather than gently shepherd my children's hearts. God says to slander or abuse or speak evil of no one, to avoid being contentious, to be forbearing (yielding, gentle, and conciliatory), and to show unqualified courtesy toward everybody Titus3:2. Being tired, I am tempted to speak sharply and not line my words aright. Being contentious would be much easier than forbearing and showing unqualified courtesy toward everybody? Believe me the temptation to skip the Lord's command is great. God didn't really mean to be content with my earthly lot--whatever it may be Philippians 4:7...did He? I don't think He knew about that mountain of laundry, or that teenage attitude being thrown at me. He couldn't have and still given that command, could He?
Yes, the temptation to sin against my Lord is great, but I'm told very plainly by Him in 1 Corinthians 10:13,14 that no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin, no matter how it comes or where it leads) has overtaken me and laid hold on me that is not common to man [that is, no temptation or trial has come to me that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adpated and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear]. But God is faithful [to His Word and to His compassionate nature], and He [can be trusted] not to let me be tempted and tried and assayed beyond my ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will [always] also provide the way out (the means of escape to a landing) place, that I may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently. That I am dearly beloved, and I am to shun (keep clear away from, avoid by flight if need be) any sort of idolatry (of loving or venerating anything more than God)---even myself and my own plans and desires.
As I continue on through this Holiday Season, my thoughts must constantly be centered on the greatness of God and His divine provision, not only of clothing, food, and gifts for my children, but of patience, gentleness, and peace. He has already provided all I need through Christ, and it is Christ's birthday we are celebrating. What better way for me to celebrate Jesus' birthday than by living as He set me free to live? Free, clear of sin, and in peace, patience, and love. Oh, God is good---all the time. Happy Birthday Jesus! I love you and long to serve You fully, with every fibre of my being may I praise you Lord!
I just had the thought that perhaps the greatest birthday present I could give my Lord would be to walk in the salvation He died and rose to provide. That maybe the birthday song that sounds the sweetest to His ears is when I lift not only my voice in praise to Him but also my life. Entering in---another step on the path to peace.
Thank you to everyone who has sent in answers to questions. It makes it fun for everyone. To add to the fun, the first person who answers tomorrow's question will receive a mix of Apple Pie Spice. If that is you, we will zip the spice off in the mail to you or maybe even hand deliver it. The spice mix is homemade by my very own Angel and would be great in any number of uses not just in apple pie. How about making yourself your very own spiced tea or coffee? What about spiced cocoa?
Tomorrow's question is: Santa or not?
As I was thinking about and pondering on "Entering In" for our series on experiencing a PEACEful Holiday Season, I have to confess something. That's all I have on this topic. "Enter In" If I am going to experience the Peace that passes all understanding, I must enter in. I can't rock my way there as I rock my little man. Though I can enter in while doing so. Just as I can't rock my way there, neither can I wash, dry, fold, put away, or teach my way into peace either. I have to purpose to enter into the peace that Jesus has given me.
Keeping my focus on truth John 14:6 puts me in a place to receive deliverance from the daily temptations assailing me. Temptations? What temptations could I have? More than imaginable. Some days it seems as if I am constantly bombarded on every side by them. From the moment I awake until the second I lay down to sleep, the temptation to sin is great. Fussing little ones, lack of sleep, mountains of laundry, teasing and taunting teens, the list of things that tempt me to leave the path of Love(God) and operate in the flesh seem endless.
God says to be kind one to another Eph. 4:32. All I want to do is bark out a command rather than gently shepherd my children's hearts. God says to slander or abuse or speak evil of no one, to avoid being contentious, to be forbearing (yielding, gentle, and conciliatory), and to show unqualified courtesy toward everybody Titus3:2. Being tired, I am tempted to speak sharply and not line my words aright. Being contentious would be much easier than forbearing and showing unqualified courtesy toward everybody? Believe me the temptation to skip the Lord's command is great. God didn't really mean to be content with my earthly lot--whatever it may be Philippians 4:7...did He? I don't think He knew about that mountain of laundry, or that teenage attitude being thrown at me. He couldn't have and still given that command, could He?
Yes, the temptation to sin against my Lord is great, but I'm told very plainly by Him in 1 Corinthians 10:13,14 that no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin, no matter how it comes or where it leads) has overtaken me and laid hold on me that is not common to man [that is, no temptation or trial has come to me that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adpated and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear]. But God is faithful [to His Word and to His compassionate nature], and He [can be trusted] not to let me be tempted and tried and assayed beyond my ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will [always] also provide the way out (the means of escape to a landing) place, that I may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently. That I am dearly beloved, and I am to shun (keep clear away from, avoid by flight if need be) any sort of idolatry (of loving or venerating anything more than God)---even myself and my own plans and desires.
As I continue on through this Holiday Season, my thoughts must constantly be centered on the greatness of God and His divine provision, not only of clothing, food, and gifts for my children, but of patience, gentleness, and peace. He has already provided all I need through Christ, and it is Christ's birthday we are celebrating. What better way for me to celebrate Jesus' birthday than by living as He set me free to live? Free, clear of sin, and in peace, patience, and love. Oh, God is good---all the time. Happy Birthday Jesus! I love you and long to serve You fully, with every fibre of my being may I praise you Lord!
I just had the thought that perhaps the greatest birthday present I could give my Lord would be to walk in the salvation He died and rose to provide. That maybe the birthday song that sounds the sweetest to His ears is when I lift not only my voice in praise to Him but also my life. Entering in---another step on the path to peace.