Question for Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2009

Good Evening!

     It is a bitterly cold and snowy day here at our home.  Well, it's cold and snowy outside.  Inside, it is warm, cozy, and filled with laughter and love.  We had a wonderful time this afternoon.  For the first time, but hopefully not the last, all eight of us gathered around the dining room table for "afternoon hot chocolate".  Thanks to the cold and snowy day, Papa and CR were home so that we could.  Quite a few new electrical outlets were put in as well.  See, everything works out for good to those who love the Lord.  Romans 8:28

     I'm off to put some turkey and rice soup on for supper and continue decorating for Christmas.  I got the deer antlers out.  With antlers and pinecones, it's going to be fun decorating for Jesus' celebration.  Before I get busy with something warm and comforting for supper, I want to send you tomorrow's question.  Now for the question: What is your favorite food of the season?  

    During the past several days of cold and snow, I've been challenged to keep my heart warm and full of love no matter what the weather outside may be.  That I must make certain not to allow ice and coolness towards those around me to form.  If I remain filled with God's Holy Spirit, the love of God will flow out from me and warm the lives of those around me.  In such busy, stressful times, His love will shine out more brightly than ever.

This morning during our time of worship, the children and I read from Isaiah 40.  "Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning?..."  What a wonderful time we had in the Word this morning.  The presence of the Lord was so sweet and real.  Our hearts were warmed

I'll be talking to you tomorrow!  Until then, may this find you basking in the warmth of God's love.  Jesus is the perfectly complete manifestation of such boundless love.  Merry Christmas!

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