Fast Licking Fun

Need, or want, something fast and fun? Try pudding pops! Pudding pops are made using whatever mold you use when making popsicles. We have three sets of popsicle molds so use those. Paper cups and ice cube trays with a handle stuck in work just fine too.

Using pudding flavor of choice, fill up the mold and plop in the freezer. Viola! As soon as the pudding is completely frozen, you have pudding pops to eat. If done the evening before, they would be ready for the next day.

Homemade pudding could be used, naturally. Sometimes, however, there simply isn’t enough time. That’s when instant pudding mixes are just the ticket. This afternoon we added small pieces of fresh peach to vanilla pudding. If the leftover pudding is any indication, these are going to be splendiferous! We have also made chocolate, vanilla and a choc/van combo. Quick, easy, and fun.

Yogurt and fruit would lend themselves nicely to a frozen creation for those watching what they eat. A bit of instant coffee crystals or espresso powder mixed in with chocolate pudding/yogurt would become a mocha freeze worth savoring. What flavor combinations do you love to lick at your house? Feel free to let us know in a comment or at Thank you and happy licking!

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